Isnin, 23 Mei 2011


Speed Up YouTube Streaming On iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

YouTube Movies
In order to install this tweak, you need to add the repository to Cydia, or any other compatible package manager. After refreshing your sources, you should see “TCP Optimizer” on the package listings. The tweak should take effect right away, without a restart,  and enable you to watch YouTube videos at decent speeds.
TCP Optimizer running on an iPhone

TCP optimizer modifies a few settings inside iOS, including increasing the TCP receive buffer from 131072 to 292000, disabling TCP delayed ACK’s, allowing a maximum of 16 un-ACK’d packets instead of 8 and set the default package size to 1460 instead of 512. These changes won’t only speed up your YouTube videos, they’ll also improve your internet connection’s performance overall, including Wi-Fi network connectivity.

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